August 23, 2022

Ulbolsyn's Journey to Independence

I dreamed of having a good prosthesis

My name is Ulbosyn. I am 38 years old.I am from Ust-Kamenagorsk, mother of 4 beautiful children.In 2017, due to a doctor's error, the same operation was performed twice, resulting in an injured ankle. There was a complication from the applied metalplasty, a cyst appeared, the pus did not stop, and osteomyelitis appeared. The leg could not be saved. For the last 2 years I was in the hospital every month, and in 2021 my leg was amputated below the knee. I was in a state of extreme stress and despair. I was worried about why me? I couldn’t come to my senses for a long time, I didn’t leave the house, I didn’t communicate with people, but I’m a mother, I have a huge responsibility, I realized that I couldn’t lose and I pulled myself together!

By profession I am a preschool teacher. Due to an uncomfortable prosthesis, I was unable to work in my profession. I dreamed of having a good prosthesis that would be comfortable to walk on, and I wanted to work in my profession. My goal is to be a good mother to my children, raise them well and not give up in the face of any difficulties.

No matter how many times life tests me, I love life! Thanks to the Altair Foundation and kind people, I received the prosthesis of my dreams! With a new prosthesis I can walk 8 hours a day, I won a grant, and built two greenhouses. Now I grow vegetables and open my own business. I take up dancing, returned to my dream job as a teacher, and also went to the city of Turkestan. The new prosthesis has radically changed my life! Now nothing will stop me on the path to a happy life!

No matter how many times life tests me, I love life!